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Solo Stove Continues Restructuring, Conducts Layoffs

Solo Brands, the parent company of Solo Stove, grew rapidly through the Pandemic like many other companies in the space. They've fallen on tough...

Tractor Supply Gives Opportunity for New Vendors to Present to Buyers

One of the hardest challenges with bringing a new product to market is finding distribution. Initially, companies try DTC, but it can be hard...


Pizza OVen

Mergers & Acquisitions

Smokin Brothers Acquires Gateway Drum Smokers

Smokin Brothers, most known for their pellet grills, have acquired a brand that's had countless wins on the competitive barbecue circuit. They announced in...

Fourshore Partners Acquires Grill Distributor Palm Coast Sales

The past two years have been trying for the outdoor cooking industry, and it’s led to quite a bit of consolidation. From the upcoming Weber...

Middleby is Evaluating Separating its Residential Group from the Company

Middleby has three business units, Commercial, Food Processing and Residential. The Residential business unit includes their grill brands, like Kamado Joe, Masterbuilt, and Char-Griller. Their...

Camp Chef Parent Company Acquired by Strategic Value Partners

There were many ups and downs to get here, but Strategic Value Partners (SVP) has completed the acquisition of Revelyst. This is the second...

Charbroil Acquires Innovative Grill Company Spark Grills – New Life?

There aren't too many "start-ups" in the outdoor cooking space. There are plenty of small companies with great ideas, but not many go the...


