Grilla Grills Parent Company to Release Q1 Fiscal 2023 Earnings

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American Outdoor Brands (AOB), the parent company of Grilla Grills, announced that they will be releasing first quarter fiscal 2023 earnings. The earnings release will happen on Thursday, September 8,2022 after market close. They’ll follow the earnings release with a conference call at 5pm.

If you feel like they just reported earnings, that’s because it wasn’t very long ago. They’re on a fiscal year, so their year ended April 30th, and they released full year earnings on July 14th. Full year results are usually a little delayed in being released. The current quarter earnings are for results ended July 2022.

AOB announced on their last earnings call that there will be new Grilla Grills products this fall with a major launch next spring. We’ll be eagerly listening to their conference call in hopes of learning additional details.


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